We invite you to become part of this story by supporting the continuation of the Mhusqua way of life for generations to come. The Community of Sesquilé’s Food Sovereignty Project empowers them to grow their own food using indigenous farming methods. In this way, they are able to sustain their families, reclaim the native traditions and restore the natural balance of the local ecology.
If you were inspired by what you saw in the film, please donate to support the community. Every donation makes a difference, even if you just donate the $5 you might usually pay to watch a film online. Thank you!
“Food Sovereignty is the right of peoples to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods, and their right to define their own food and agriculture systems.” — La Via Campesina
The Indigenous Food Sovereignty and Land Back movements are widespread. Another way to get involved is to learn more about these movements and support them close to where you live. Here are some resources we hope can help:
The Reparations Map for Black and Indigenous Farmers
La Via Campesina, International Peasants’ Movement
Land Reparations and Indigenous Solidarity Toolkit, by Resource Generation
Indigenous Food Systems with Lyla June, hosted by The Kennedy Center
Additional Resources on Land Back and Reparations, from the Good Relative Website