We offer this film for free, and your support makes all the difference. Support the Community of Sesquilé and the continuation of the Mhuysaqa way of life by donating to the community’s Food Sovereignty Project.
SEEDS OF GOLD is a documentary film tracing the story of a community’s journey to awaken the memory of their ancient Mhuysqa traditions. We follow the voice of the youth through the small Colombian mountain town of Sesquilé as the community works to reclaim damaged farmland, establish nature preserves, revive the unspoken language, and reengage the ancient ceremonies. In the face of increasing trends of industrialization, this potent and intimate story shares how a group of inspired individuals can work against incredible odds to restore a balanced relationship with their natural surroundings and reclaim a future for their children.
Seeds of Gold / Semillas de Oro (38 min)
A Recordar Productions and 4 Direcciones Film
Directed By: Sophie Cooper
Produced by: Esteban Duarte & Sophie Cooper
Musical Composition: Teto Ocampo